Trophy Room
This page consists of game taken with my bows.
Took this nice 8-point with a Tanasi Warrior hybrid longbow. The
bow is 43# @ 28". Used a Goldtip 3555 arrow with 190 grain Simmons
broadhead. I hunted this deer for almost two weeks, having multiple
encounters. The first encounter I had with him, he came running
through a saddle I was hunting with two coyotes chasing him. 45
minutes later, I looked up and he was coming up a trail towards me.
He appeared as though he was going to keep going up the trail and
away from me. I grunted at him with my grunt call, and he stopped
and walked directly toward me. I shot at him three times that
morning and never touched him. I think I was looking only at his
rack and not picking a spot. I saw him several times on the next
few trips, but it all came together for me on November 26th of
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Joe Darnell
8-point buck taken with a Tanasi Warrior hybrid longbow. The
bow is 43# @ 28". Used a Goldtip 3555 arrow with 190 grain Simmons
broadhead. I took this deer on an evening hunt. I hadn't seen
anything until about an hour before dark when this buck walked
up the trail toward me. He got within 10 yards of me and stopped
behind a large white oak. He stood there for what seemed to be an
eternity. When he stepped out, he was on the wrong side from me to
take a shot at him from my tree saddle. He kept walking down the
trail and on my right-hand side he stopped three times, looking
straight up at me in my tree saddle. I don't think he could
figure out what I was. I waited until he was completely behind
me, and I swung around in my saddle and took the shot, which was
an extreme quarting away shot. My arrow went in behind the last
rib on his right side, and came out between his two front legs.
He went about 40 yards up the ridge, stopped, started wobbling
and went down.
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Joe Darnell
Took this nice doe on an evening hunt. She was about 35 yards away.
The bow is 43# @ 28". Used a Goldtip 3555 arrow with 190 grain
Simmons broadhead.
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Joe Darnell
8-point buck taken with a Tanasi Warrior hybrid longbow. The bow
is 43# @ 28". Used a Goldtip 3555 arrow with 190 grain Simmons
broadhead. This buck came by me early, chasing two does. I had a
shot at 20 yards, but did not feel sure about taking it, so I
passed on the shot. He came by two more times in the saddle that
I was hunting, both times out of range for me. 30 minutes later,
he came back, and started working a scrape I was set up on, giving
me a 12 yard shot. Just goes to show you, you never know what they
are going to do.
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Joe Darnell
8-point buck taken with a Tanasi Warrior hybrid longbow. The bow
is 43# @ 28". Used a Goldtip 3555 arrow with 190 grain Simmons
broadhead. I had an extreme quartering away shot that I usually
do not take, but this deer was so occupied, I couldn't resist.
You can see the entrance wound, and the exit wound was in the
middle of the chest. He went about 20 yards before he fell.
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Joe Darnell
Buck taken with a Tanasi Warrior hybrid longbow. The bow
is 43# @ 28". Used a Goldtip 3555 arrow with 190 grain Simmons
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Joe Darnell
I shot this coyote early season. He chased a doe with a young fawn
passed me, and was in a good trot when I loosed my arrow. The bow
is 43# @ 28". Used a Goldtip 3555 arrow with 190 grain Simmons broadhead.
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Joe Darnell
"The Lord blessed me this morning. 28 yard shot. If he had been
any further I wouldn't have taken the shot."
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Jonathan from America
"I carried your bow all season and have yet to touch another. We
had a fairly slow season but finally connected on this one on Dec
28th while celebrating my wife and I's 5 year wedding anniversary.
I used a gold tip kinetic shaft and a 250gr simmons broadhead. The
shot was 21 yards. He didn't go but 40 yards. I can't thank you
enough for the bow and your friendship."
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Justin from America
Another nice buck taken by Justin.
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Justin from America
"#2 this season. Nothing better than getting it done the hard way!"
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Chris from America
A spike harvested by Clay from Tennessee during his first year of
hunting with the Tanasi Warrior.
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Clay from America
A doe harvested by Clay from Tennessee during his first year of
hunting with the Tanasi Warrior.
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Clay from America
A 6-point harvested by Clay from Tennessee during his first year of
hunting with the Tanasi Warrior.
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Clay from America
A nice doe harvested by Clay from Tennessee.
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Clay from America
"First shot of the year thanks to Tanasi Bows"
"I was in my stand for about two minutes, then I lit up the sky
with that glowing nock; I need not say anymore. Thanks Joe for a
nice bow, the Tanasi Warrior."
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Jeff from Tennessee
"Tanasi Warrior has struck again"
"I had been hunting where there were lots of acorns but hadn't seen
any deer in a week. Yesterday I put my stand up in a pine tree in
the middle of an ivy thicket. This morning I arrived at my stand
before first light, a light breeze in my face, listening to a small
stream trickling. Suddenly I hear a noise and see something brown
coming toward me. There he was, the first buck I had seen in the
woods. He stopped and raised his head, turned away, and turned
back the way he came. I grunted and he turned and trotted back
further into the ivy. At this point I thought I wouldn't have a
shot, but suddenly I saw him sneaking around. I picked an open
spot in the ivy; he walked out; I grunted again; he stopped; I
drew my bow all in one smooth motion and shot. My luminok went out
of sight; then the tracking began."
Bow: Tanasi Warrior
Archer: Jeff from Tennessee